Lore Piar Tulip Trousers - A Journey, But Worth It


I bought the Lore Piar Tulip Trousers pattern in 2023 and I really wanted the pants, but they kept getting deprioritized because fitting pants is ... not always fun. Anyway, I finally worked up to making a toile and then making these trousers. 

The toile was super close. The back was basically fine. 

But the front needed a little bit more at the crotch, which was an easy fix
I am going to take this same toile and sew up the pleat to test the other views. But on to construction.
I went to GStreet fabrics in Rockville, Maryland and dug around in their now $3.97 room and found this fabric and a couple others for (hopefully) 2 more pair (and a button down shirt and a jacket)
I wasn't sure what the fabric was, felt pretty synthetic. Did a burn test and test wash of a swatch and yeah, it's like 100% polyester or something similar. No problem. Tested interfacing and that worked ok. The pressing in general doesn't get super crisp, but it's really well-behaved fabric.

The pattern instructions are really thorough - there were a couple of typos a native English speaker would see right away but they didn't take away from the clarity. You can see a sample in the pattern listing. She also has a pep talk near the beginning of the pattern and she cheers you as you go along. Also there are lots of diagrams showing what order things will be done in. Almost every part of this pattern was different from all the other pants I've sewn. The fly was different, the waistband was really different, the pockets... all pretty new. 

The results are worth it. 

I hand sewed the interior button on so I could have enough of a shank for the thick area there. I also hand sewed the hem per pattern instructions. 

I did encounter an issue with the waistband being 6.5" too short for the trousers? I tried the trousers on and they were just as expected but the band didn't meet in the middle. I contacted the designer but haven't heard back yet. I just cut it and added in a segment (7.5" because seam allowance) and then also added a piece of regular 1/2" elastic to the home made button elastic. I think my button elastic is in the wrong spot, too. It's very low. But those buttonholes (that noone will ever see) were the best ever.

I ordered a belt to wear with it so I didn't wear a blouse tucked in at work. But tucked in so you can see here. 
